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  • Главная » Science and Development
    Located approximately 450 kilometres south of Cairo in Egypt is the very ancient city-complex of Abydos. Believed by many to be one of the most important historical sites relating to ancient Egypt it is also the location of a set of carvings that have caused a significant amount of academic controversy amongst archeologists and historians. Within the Temple of Seti the 1st (Seti I) you can find the outer Hypostyle Hall and on one of the lintels you can find a series of carvings that look very much like helicopters and futuristic space craft. The Helicopter is particularly recognizable and this has led to questions being raised about how this can possibly exist.
    Another mystery is this tool in the hands of Horus. What is he doing with it?

    < ... Читать дальше »
    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 648 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 04.11.2012 | Комментарии (0)

    Abandoned village and a huge radio telescope (Irbene, Latvia)
    Irbene is an abandoned town that used to be a military center with a developed infrastructure. The station of space surveillance Zvezdochka has not been there on the maps till 1993. The place was robbed and deprived of many things but visitors can still imagine what happened here 20 years ago. Irbene was built for the purpose of space surveillance and military men worked with 3 radar telescopes dislocated here. The same devices were also based in the Crimea and Ussuriisk. There is an opinion that one of the telescopes was used to bug phone conversations of the State Department of the USA and submarine centers of Norway.

    Previous part.

    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 630 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 04.11.2012 | Комментарии (0)

    Quasiparticle discovery could pave the way for better digital storage

    Picture of the skyrmions
    Skyrmions were found on an atomic layer of iron on iridium

    German scientists from Jülich, Kiel and Hamburg have found a new magnetic order that could potentially lead to a new generation of smaller data storage units in the future.


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    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 599 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 04.08.2011 | Комментарии (0)

    International Space Station to crash into Pacific after 2020


    A top Russian space official says the ISS will fall to Earth as a way to avoid leaving space junk. No concrete plans have been made so far to replace the orbiting scientific laboratory.


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    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 577 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 04.08.2011 | Комментарии (0)

    ESA spacecraft finds first oxygen gas molecules in space


    Scientists have detected oxygen molecules in the star-forming region of Orion. Researchers believe frozen dust particles consisting of oxygen atoms evaporated in the heat of budding stars to form molecules.


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    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 575 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 04.08.2011 | Комментарии (0)

    Germany's job satisfaction statistics belie reality

    A person behind a stack of folders
    How happy are Germans at work?

    According to statistics, unemployment is down in Germany and most people are satisfied with their jobs. But is the German work world really as rosy as it seems?


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    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 582 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 10.07.2011 | Комментарии (0)

    Overview: Funding your education in Germany


    Getting admitted is only half the battle - students also have to consider how to finance their education. But with possibilities that range from loans to diverse scholarships, there is no shortage of options.


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    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 616 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 10.07.2011 | Комментарии (0)

    Renault says technology safe in industrial spy case


    French car manufacturer Renault has said it was targeted by an international spy ring, but that its secrets are safe. The French government has refused to confirm reports that China was involved.


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    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 602 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 10.07.2011 | Комментарии (0)

    German car sales, exports expected to take off in 2011


    At first glance, 2010 car sales in Germany look downright gloomy. But analysts say the figures are deceiving and project 2011 will be one of the industry's best years ever.


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    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 721 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 10.07.2011 | Комментарии (0)

    The automobile at 125: from humble birth to global dominance

    Carl Benz (right) in his patented vehicle
    Carl Benz (right in photo) in his patented vehicle

    The car has been down a long and occasionally rocky road. What began 125 years ago in Germany as a humble vehicle with a top speed of 18 km/h has evolved into today's high-performance autos tearing down the autobahn.

    Категория: Science and Development | Просмотров: 545 | Добавил: Professor | Дата: 10.07.2011 | Комментарии (0)

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